June 5, 2019

Geocaching – A step by step guide to getting started

If you’re unfamiliar, geocaching is a GPS-based scavenger hunting game that is happening all around you right now. It’s a great way to get outside and have fun with your family, engaging kids of all ages. To get you started, check out our guide below:

1. Visit GeoHouma.com
The official online home of the Houma Travel Geotour is GeoHouma.com. Here you will find a quick guide on how to geocache, a frequently asked questions section, a geocaching photo gallery and your GeoTour passport (a GeoTour is a collection of geocaches that take you to amazing places in a destination).

2. Download the Free Geocaching App

We recommend downloading the free app from Geocaching headquarters to being your adventure. With the app, you’ll be able to access the coordinates of all your local geocaches as well as the Houma Travel GeoTour.

3. Establish your Geocaching Handle
This is an important moment. You now have to choose your geocaching identity! Take a moment to think about what your geocaching screenname, or handle, will be as you’ll likely be signing this on log books, online forums and may even directly address fellow geocachers as this.

4. Choose a Cache

You’re going to see so many caches around you! You may be tempted to go to the nearest cache, and that’s fine, but know that caches are rated based on size, difficulty and terrain. The size of the cache could be anything from a large box to something the size of thimble. The difficulty rating will let you know if the cache is in plain sight or fiendishly hidden and the terrain rating will give you an idea of if they landscape around you will create an additional challenge. These may be some factors to keep in mind as you’re choosing a cache.

5. Navigate

Your geocaching app will utilize your smartphone’s GPS device to bring you to the location of your chosen cache. As you get close, you’ll receive a notification that the cache is near. The challenge is that you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for, but start looking.

6. Find the cache

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for! You’ve found the cache. Open it up and enjoy the moment. The contents of a geocache will vary depending upon the size of the cache. A micro, for example, will only have a log book inside. On the other hand, a large ammo can may be all sorts of trinkets and prizes. Remember, it is customary to leave a souvenir if you take a souvenir.

7. Log and interact

Sign the log book inside of the cache so future cachers can see you’ve been there. Log that you’ve found the cache on your geocaching app. Also, feel free to interact by leaving favorite points, posting pictures and writing comments about your time at the cache.

8. Continue

There are over 50 geocaches on the Houma Travel GeoTour and hundreds more placed by geocachers here in the bayou region alone! Once you get started, you’ll have plenty of adventure ahead of you.

To learn more about geocaching and how you can start your geocaching adventure with the Houma Travel GeoTour, visit www.geohouma.com.
