To enrich the quality of life for the residents of Terrebonne Parish (our customer) through destination development, promotion, advocacy, and resource management – which make the community a better place to live, work and visit.
Terrebonne Parish will be a top ten destination to live, work and visit in the state of Louisiana.
With more water than land and lots of warm weather, Terrebonne Parish is a year-round outdoor destination. We guarantee an authentic, genuine “Bayou Country” experience every time you visit Terrebonne Parish. World-class fishing, fresh local seafood, and southern hospitality are delivered with a smile in a happy and embracing environment.
Board of Directors
William Bisland, Chair
Margie Scoby, Vice Chair
Celeste Landry, Secretary/Treasurer
Judy Smart
Renee Murphy
Cheri Blanchard
Julie Falgout
Celeste Landry
Angela Portier
Bionca Carr
Joshua Ellender