2023 Food Fest & 5k Run for Excellence

May 13, 2023 @ 6:00 pm

Downtown Houma



Battle of the High School Band kicks off at 4:00pm, followed by the opening of the Food Fest and start of the race at 6pm. We will dance the night away with Kings of Neon.
This event is to support our hard working educators in Terrebonne Parish.

Tickets: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Frunsignup.com%2FRace%2FLA%2FHouma%2F2023TFAE5kRunforExcellenceandFoodFest%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3c2B8EmRky-AG1z0XAgK15-_eEsSk0ual3o27Fu8j0vkS7aFF35ktNBqY&h=AT1aoN2yjRzYoA7ksr0hHZiRdu84TskG0XZkcorYVOunTZ3a9HiecuEFRZVB1vFzH2nOXe-8cOY_Ml0zLm5TFQvXYbKZZu3Ts8fdi7jqMsd7WerSGY_Z7lDAb7c3nYGsJIqYUQ