March 8, 2017

Tips for Family Road Trips

Spring Break is approaching, so it’s time to pack up and hit the road. With low gas prices, it’s the perfect time to get the family together for an adventure. For some, road trips bring up thoughts of discovering new places and taking the road less traveled, but for many it can be a tiresome, time-consuming endeavor. We at Explore Houma have a few tips to get you ready for your Spring Break road trip.

Get the kids involved in planning: Present a few ideas to your kids and get their feedback. If they feel that they were a part of the planning process, you will have much more engaged kids.
Pack in stages: Packing the car can be a stressful time. Am I forgetting something? Will everything fit in the trunk? We suggest having a packing list and put all nonessential items in your vehicle a day before leaving. This will eliminate packing time on the day you leave and get you on the road quicker.
Have a Road Trip Kit: Snacks, games and electronics chargers… these are all road trip necessities. Try to anticipate the needs of your kids and have the answers to these needs on hand in the car.
Plan to try something new: Try crawfish for the first time. Go geocaching. Hold an alligator! This shared experience is the kind of stuff memories are made of.
Slow down and take your time: Enjoy each moment and be sure to take plenty of pictures.

Need some ideas of what to do on your next road trip? Be sure to visit us at for all things Bayou Country.
