Edu-Cajun Series: Lesson 2
Are you ready for another round of learning the local lingo? Try saying that five times fast…. Well strap in because we’re diving into Lesson 2 of our Edu-Cajun series!
Lesson 2:
Étouffée (ay-too-fay): A tangy tomato-based sauce. A smothered dish usually made with crawfish or shrimp. Crawfish and Shrimp etouffees are New Orleans and Cajun country specialties.
“The smell of delicious crawfish Étouffée fills the air at Quizine Quarters.”

Fais do-do (fay doe-doe): The name for a party where traditional Cajun dance is performed. This phrase literally means “to make sleep,” although the parties are the liveliest of occasions with food, music and dancing.
“I bought a new dress and dancing shoes for Bayou Terrebonne Distillers Firewater Fais Do-Do this weekend!”

Filé (fee-lay): Ground sassafras leaves used to season Gumbo, among other things.
“Don’t forget to add a dash of filé to that roux for your gumbo.”

Beignet (ben-yea): Delicious, sweet doughnuts, square-shaped and minus the hole, lavishly sprinkled with powdered sugar. Sometimes served with cafe au lait (coffee with chicory and milk).
“I love waking up on a Saturday morning to fresh beignets with powdered sugar and coffee from Downtown Jeaux!”

Lagniappe (lan-yap): a Cajun word meaning “a little something extra.” It can be something as simple as an extra beignet with your order, a second scoop of ice cream added to your cone or even some extra shrimp tossed into your order at a roadside seafood stand. Lagniappe is the tangible reflection of the Cajun’s ingrained sense of hospitality and good will.
“I got the kids something nice from the White Boot Stroll and even a little lagniappe for myself.”