October Meeting Minutes 2023
Houma Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
Regular Schedule Meeting Minutes
October 26, 2023
I. Board and Staff Member Attendance
Present: Staff:
Julie Falgout – Chair Sondra Corbitt
William Bisland – Secretary/Treasurer Lindsey Loupe
Traci Hawthorne
Judy Smart
Cheri Blanchard Board Absent:
Yvonne Breaux-Jones Josh Ellender – Vice Chair
Gary Williams
Margie Scoby
II. Meeting call to order: J. Falgout called the meeting to order at 8:34 a.m.
III. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: C. Blanchard led the board in the Invocation. J. Falgout led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Roll Call: Quorum was present.
V. Public to be heard: no one was present.
VI. Approval of the Minutes: W. Bisland moved to approve September’s minutes. Seconded by: J. Smart. Motion passed.
VII. Approval of Financials: The financial statements, including the budget to actual comparison for the general fund, for the month of August 2023 were presented by W. Bisland. W. Bisland moved to approve the August 2023 Financials. Seconded by: C. Blanchard. Motion passed.
VIII. Open Meeting Law Changes Adoption: S. Corbitt provided an overview of required changes to the open meeting laws adopted by the Legislative Act 393. W. Bisland moved to approve to adopt the Act 393 Open Meeting Law into HACVB bylaws. Seconded by: Y. Breaux. Motion passed.
IX. Executive Director’s Report: S. Corbitt provided the monthly report. Discussion: State CEA Agreement, Keep Louisiana Beautiful Grant, FEMA, GeoTour, Gift Shop, River Parish Quarterly Meeting, Strategic Plan, Position Titles, Executive Committee Nominations, Bayou Arts Fest, Schedule, Visitor Center updates, Marketing updates, Communication/Public Relations, Social Media/Digital Content updates, Sales updates, Group Tour/Sports updates, Financial updates, occupancy/hotel updates, Point of Interest updates, and Datafy Report updates.
X. Board Announcements: Veteran’s Day/Veteran’s Museum, Le Petit Theatre, Civil Rights Trail, African American Heritage Trail, and Elk’s Lodge red ribbon week and poster contest.
XI. Adjournment: Y. Breaux moved to adjourn. Seconded by C. Blanchard. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:33 a.m.