October 2018 HACVB Board Regular Meeting Minutes
Houma Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
Regular Meeting Minutes
October 25, 2018
Board Members in attendance: Absent Board Members
Mary Lynn Bisland – Chairperson Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer
Cheri Blanchard Mark Pitre
Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Vice Chair Kim Chauvin
Andree Buquet-Casey
Charles Wilson, Sr.
Julie Falgout arrived at 8:40 am
Staff Members in attendance:
Sondra Corbitt – Executive Director
Bobbie Smith – Financial Office Manager
Community Members in attendance:
Mrs. Karissa Billiot from Candlewood Suites
I. Call to order
M. Bisland called to order the regular meeting of the HACVB at 8:35 am on Thursday, October 25, 2018 at HACVB Administration building in the Conference Room.
II. Roll call
Quorum was present.
III. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:
C. Blanchard led the Invocation and M. Bisland led the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Public to be Heard
Mrs. Karissa Billiot said that she just wanted to see what went on for the Tourism Board and take in information.
V. Approval of Minutes and Financial Reports
The September 2018 minutes were approved as presented. A motion was made by C. Wilson and seconded by A. Buquet-Casey and passed unanimously.
August 2018 Financial reports which include the following reports:
• Balance Sheet
• YTD Income Statement Comparison
• Income Statement Previous Year Comparison
• Income Statement YTD Budget vs. Actual
• Income Statement MTD Budget Performance
These reports were provided prior to the meeting. The Financial Reports reflect the budget-to-actual comparisons for the General Fund and were approved as provided by motion of C. Wilson and seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.
VI. Tourism Development: Houma Downtown Christmas Festival
S. Corbitt explained that this was for the lighting and decorations for the Christmas Festival. All the Board Members were asked if they would like to ride on the float or participate for the Festival to please contact S. Corbitt as soon as possible. This was approved as discussed by motion of M. Pitre and seconded by D. Norred and passed unanimously.
VII. 2019 Proposed Budget Message
S. Corbitt reviewed the 2019 Proposed Budget message and elaborated on each point.
VIII. 2019 Proposed Budget
S. Corbitt reviewed the 2019 Proposed Budget expounded on any questions. The BOD will vote on this proposal in December.
IX. Sponsorship: South Louisiana Dragway Reunion Car Show & CackleFest
S. Corbitt went over the South Louisiana Dragway Reunion Car Show & CackleFest recommendation as it was presented. A motion was made by C. Wilson to give the organization $5,000.00 and it was seconded by C. Blanchard and passed unanimously.
X. Product Development: Cast Iron Cook Off presented by Rotary Club of Houma
A motion was made by A. Buquet-Casey on the approval of this event being a Product Development Grant and it was seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.
Awarding of the funds. There was a discussion on making stipulations on what the HACVB would require the funds to be spent on and the amount that was to be awarded. A. Buquet-Casey motioned that $3,000.00 be awarded with the stipulation that it is to be spent on the marketing budget for outside the parish. It was seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously except for M. Bisland who abstained.
XI. Executive Director’s Monthly Report
S. Corbitt presented her report which touched on the Occupancy Rate; LOT Social Media Class, GeoCoinFest and Going Caching, Cajun Scare Box Videos and the Christmas Parade.
S. Corbitt also mentioned that Joni will be applying for a grant with the state for the 2019 GeoFest Event that will be held in Houma.
S. Corbitt also spoke about the state dedication funding report that she worked on to support the HACVB’s need for state funding.
S. Corbitt also informed the board that the HACVB will be holding the Papa Noel Christmas Event in December.
S. Corbitt’s report contains her upcoming schedule for the rest of October and November.
XII. Adjournment
It was motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:42 am by C. Blanchard and seconded by C. Wilson and the motion carried.