November Meeting Minutes

Houma Area Convention & Visitor’s Bureau
Regular Schedule Meeting Minutes
November 21, 2019

I. Board and Staff Member Attendance
Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Chairperson
Sondra Corbitt – Executive Director
Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer
Cheri Blanchard
Judy Smart
Brenda Babin
Julie Falgout
Charles Wilson
Andree Buquet Casey
Mary Lynn Bisland

II. Meeting Call to Order:  K. Theriot called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m.
III. Roll Call:  Quorum was present.
IV. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:  C. Blanchard led the board in the invocation and K. Theriot led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance. B. Babin arrived at 8:36 a.m.
V. Public to Be Heard: No one was present.
VI. D. Norred made a motion to approve the minutes.  Seconded by:  J. Smart. Motion approved.   J. Falgout made a motion to approve the financial reports.  Seconded by:  C. Blanchard.  Motion approved.  S. Corbitt provided a financial overview.
VII. 2020 Budget Message Approval:  S. Corbitt provided an overview of the 2020 Budget Message.  D. Norred made a motion to approve the budget message.   Seconded by:  J. Smart.  Motion approved.
VIII. 2020 Budget Approval:  S. Corbitt provided an overview of the 2020 budget.  B. Babin made a motion to approve the 2020 budget.  Seconded by:  C. Blanchard.  Motion approved.  Discussion followed on various budget line items.
IX. Destination Plan 2025 Approval:  J. Pierce presented the Destination Plan 2025.  C. Blanchard made a motion to adopt the Destination Plan 2025.  Seconded by:  D. Norred/B. Babin.  Motion approved.  Discussion followed on achievable goals, ideas, partnership, and parish presentation
X. Executive Committee Nomination:  D. Norred made a motion to nominate A. Casey as Chair, B. Babin as Vicechair and C. Blanchard as Secretary/Treasurer.  Seconded by:  J. Falgout.  Motion approved.
XI. Executive Director’s Report:  S. Corbitt provided her monthly report. Discussion followed on:  Christmas parade, Occupancy Rate, Ethics and Sexual Harassment Training, Staff Changes, 2020 Projects, and Upcoming Events.
XII. J. S mart made a motion to end the meeting.  Seconded by:  C. Blanchard.  Motion approved.  Meeting ended at 9:25 a.m.

Sondra Corbitt – Executive Director
Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Chairperson