November 2018 HACVB Board meeting minutes
Houma Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
Regular Meeting Minutes
November 29, 2018
Board Members in attendance: Absent Board Members
Mary Lynn Bisland – Chairperson Mark Pitre
Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer
Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Vice Chair
Andree Buquet-Casey
Charles Wilson, Sr.
Julie Falgout
Cheri Blanchard arrived at 8:37 am
Staff Members in attendance:
Sondra Corbitt – Executive Director
Bobbie Smith – Financial Office Manager
Community Members in attendance:
Mrs. Judy Smart
I. Call to order
M. Bisland called to order the regular meeting of the HACVB at 8:35 am on Thursday, November 29, 2018 at HACVB Administration building in the Conference Room.
II. Roll call
Quorum was present.
III. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:
M. Bisland led the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Public to be Heard
Mrs. Judy Smart said that she wanted to see if we could provide her with a list of non-profit organizations that are affiliated with Tourism so that she could call and ask one of them to nominate her to be on the Board.
V. Approval of Minutes and Financial Reports
The October 2018 minutes were approved as presented. A motion was made by D. Norred and seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.
September 2018 Financial reports which include the following reports:
• Balance Sheet
• YTD Income Statement Comparison
• Income Statement Previous Year Comparison
• Income Statement YTD Budget vs. Actual
• Income Statement MTD Budget Performance
These reports were provided prior to the meeting. The Financial Reports reflect the budget-to-actual comparisons for the General Fund and were approved as provided by motion of D. Norred and seconded by A. Casey and passed unanimously.
VI. 2019 Budget Message approval
The Budget Message was read at the October Meeting and a copy was again provided prior to this meeting. The Budget Message was approved as provided by motion of D. Norred and seconded by A. Casey and passed unanimously.
VII. 2019 Budget approval
The 2019 Budget was presented at the October Meeting and a copy was again provided prior to this meeting.
The 2019 Budget was approved as provided by motion of C. Blanchard and seconded by J. Falgout and passed unanimously.
There was a discussion about the 5% increase in revenue. Some thought that it should have been a decrease and after further discussion it was decided to leave it as a 5% increase.
VIII. 2019 Festival Grant Applications
A) 16th Annual Voice of the Wetlands Festival
The application, review sheet and worksheet were provided prior to the meeting. The 16th Annual Voice of the Wetlands Festival Grant in the amount of $5,000.00 was approved as provided by motion of D. Norred and seconded by C. Wilson and passed unanimously.
B) Annual Buds & Burgers Championship
The application, review sheet and worksheet were provided prior to the meeting. The Annual Buds & Burgers Championship Grant in the amount of $1,000.00 was approved as provided by motion of K. Theriot and seconded by C. Blanchard and passed unanimously except for A. Casey who abstained.
C) Houma Downtown Christmas Festival and Movie Night
The application, review sheet and worksheet were provided prior to the meeting. The Houma Downtown Christmas Festival and Movie Night Grant in the amount of $3,000.00 was approved as provided by motion of C. Wilson and seconded by K. Theriot.
After a discussion concerning the amount of rooms that are proposed to be utilized.
There was an official vote by Roll Call to approve the grant amount awarded in the amount of $3,000.00.
A. Casey Yea
C. Wilson Yea
C. Blanchard Yea
D. Norred Abstain
J. Falgout Yea
K. Theriot Nay
M. Pitre Absent
M. Bisland Yea
D) Rougarou Festival
The application, review sheet and worksheet were provided prior to the meeting. The Rougarou Festival Grant in the amount of $5,000.00 was approved as provided by motion of A. Casey and seconded by C. Wilson and passed unanimously.
E) TFAE 5K Run for Excellence and Food Fest
The application, review sheet and worksheet were provided prior to the meeting. The TFAE 5K Run for Excellence and Food Fest Grant in the amount of $1,000.00 was approved as provided by motion of K. Theriot and seconded by C. Wilson and passed unanimously except for A. Casey who abstained.
It was stated during the meeting that the HACVB should have a Press Release and hand out Certificates for the Grants Awarded.
IX. Board of Director’s Officers Nominations
Nominee Position
K. Theriot Chairperson
A. Casey Vice Chairperson
D. Norred Secretary / Treasurer
X. Executive Director’s Monthly Report
S. Corbitt presented her report which touched on the Occupancy Rate, State Dedication Funds, Scenic Byways, LTA Hotel Lunch N Learn, Certified Retirement Community, United Houma Nations, Volunteer Efforts, Kimberly Chauvin, and Leadership Terrebonne.
XI. Meeting changed to December 20th
XII. Adjournment
It was motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 am by C. Wilson and seconded by K. Theriot and the motion carried.