May Meeting Minutes
Houma Area Convention & Visitor’s Bureau
Regular Schedule Meeting Minutes
May 28, 2020
I. Board and Staff Member Attendance
Andree Casey-Chair
Cheri Blanchard-Secretary/Treasurer
Katherine Gilbert Theriot
Julie Falgout (phone) Board Absent:
Katherine Gilbert Joshua Ellender
Mary Lynn Bisland
Judy Smart
Charles Wilson Sr.
Brenda Babin
Staff Present:
Sondra Corbitt-Executive Director
Lindsey Fruge
II. Meeting call to order: A. Casey called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.
III. Roll Call: Quorum was present.
IV. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: M. Bisland led the board in the Invocation. A. Casey led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
V. Public to be heard -no one was present.
VI. Approval of Minutes: B. Babin made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by: J. Smart. Motion approved.
VII. Approval of financial reports: M. Bisland made a motion to approve the financial reports as presented. Seconded by: K. Theriot. Motion approved.
VIII. Signature Resolution Approval: K. Theriot made a motion to approve the signature resolution. Seconded by: C. Blanchard. Motion approved.
IX. 2020 Amended Budget Approval: S. Corbitt provided an overview of the amended budget. B. Babin made a motion to approve the amended budget. Seconded by: J. Smart. Motion approved.
X. 2020 Festival Sponsorship Approval: Rougarou Fest. M. Bisland made a motion to approve sponsorship application for $5,000.00. Seconded by A. Casey. Motion approved.
XI. 2020 Festival Sponsorship Approval: Voice of the Wetlands. M. Bisland made motion to approve sponsorship application for $5,000.00. Seconded by A. Casey. Motion approved.
XII. 2020 Sponsorship Application: Bud n Burgers. C. Blanchard made motion to approve the sponsorship for $3,000.00. Seconded by B. Babin. A. Casey abstain. Motion approved.
XIII. Executive Director’s Report: S. Corbitt provided her monthly report. Discussion followed on: LACVB’s weekly update, staff/work schedules updates, visitor center re-opening, occupancy rate down by 15%, HB 292 bill, 2020 Ethics and Sexual Harassment training needing to get completed.
XIV. C. Wilson made a motion to end the meeting at 9:11 a.m. Seconded by J. Smart. Motion approved.