June’s Board of Director’s meeting

Houma Area Convention & Visitor’s Bureau
Regular Scheduled Meeting Minutes
June 27, 2019
I. Board and Staff Member Attendance

Katherine Gilbert – Chair
Andrée Casey – Vice Chair
Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer
Charles Wilson, Sr.
Judy Smart
Dr. Brenda Babin
Mary Lynn Bisland
Julie Falgout
Sondra Corbitt, Executive Director
Bobbie Smith – Office Manager, Minutes Clerk
Cheri Blanchard
Others in Attendance
Mr. Pernell Pellegrin, CPA – Martin and Pellegrin, CPAs (PC) arrived at 8:56 am
II. Call to Order
K. Gilbert called to order the regular meeting of the HACVB at 8:31 am on Thursday, June 27, 2019 at HACVB Administration building in the Conference Room.
III. Roll Call
B. Smith conducted the Roll Call.  A quorum was present.
IV. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:
K. Gilbert led the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
V. Public to be Heard
No one from the public present to be heard.
VI. Approval of May 2019 Minutes and April 2019 Financial Reports
The May 2019 minutes were approved as presented.  A motion was made by D. Norred and seconded by J. Smart and passed unanimously.
April 2019 Financial reports which include the following reports:
• Balance Sheet
• YTD Income Statement Comparison
• Income Statement Previous Year Comparison
• Income Statement YTD Budget vs. Actual
• Income Statement MTD Budget Performance
The reports were approved as provided by motion of D. Norred and seconded by M. Bisland and passed unanimously.
VII. 2018 Audit Presentation
A motion from M. Bisland to deviate at 8:36 am from the Agenda until Mr. P. Pellegrin arrives was seconded by J. Smart and passed unanimously.
VIII. Debt Service Policy Review
S. Corbitt stated the need for a debt service policy.  S. Corbitt created a policy, P. Pellegrin reviewed the document and it was approved as provided by motion of A. Casey and seconded by C. Wilson and passed unanimously.
IX. Sponsorship Application: Affiliated for the Blind
S. Corbitt presented the Affiliated for the Blind’s application and recommended a $3,000.00, provided prior to the meeting.  It was approved as provided by motion of B. Babin and seconded by J. Falgout and passed unanimously.
X. July’s Board Meeting Rescheduling:  July 18th
S. Corbitt requested a reschedule of the July Board Meeting due to Destinations International Conference. She advised the July meeting will be 2 hours, including a presentation from Young Strategies.
XI. Hotel – Motel Tax Discussion
S. Corbitt discussed the Parish’s position to potentially increase hotel/motel tax by 3% to complete the SportsPlex.  It is the position of the HACVB that this would put stress on visitors coming to Terrebonne Parish.  Currently the visitor pays 13.5% in taxes.
Mr. P. Pellegrin arrived at 8:52 am.
M. Bisland moved at 8:56 am to return to the agenda for P. Pellegrin’s audit findings, seconded by J. Falgout and passed unanimously.
XII. 2018 Audit Presentation
P. Pellegrin distributed the 2018 Audited Financials.  The HACVB financials comply. A motion to accept the 2018 Audited Financials as presented was motioned by J. Falgout and seconded by M. Bisland and passed unanimously.
XIII. Executive Director’s Monthly Report
S. Corbitt reviewed her monthly report.
XIV. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn at 9:22 am by A. Casey and seconded by J. Smart and the motion carried.