July 2018 Meeting Minutes 7-26-18
Houma Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
Rescheduled Meeting Minutes
July 2018
Board Members in attendance: Board Members absent:
Mary Lynn Bisland – Chairperson Mark Pitre
Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Vice Chair Kim Chauvin
Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer
Cheri Blanchard
Andree Buquet-Casey
Julie Falgout
Charles Wilson, Sr.
Staff Members in attendance:
Sondra Corbitt – Executive Director
Bobbie Smith – Financial Office Manager
I. Call to order
M. Bisland called to order the rescheduled meeting of the HACVB at 8:30 am on Thursday, July 26, 2018 at HACVB Administration building in the Board Room.
II. Roll call
Quorum was present.
III. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:
J. Falgout led the Invocation and M. Bisland led the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Public to be Heard
No one from the public present to be heard.
V. Approval of Minutes and Financial Reports
The June 2018 minutes were approved with a change to list all past Executive Directors in the History of the Policies and Procedures. A motion was made to accept the minutes with changes by D. Norred and seconded by J. Falgout and passed unanimously.
May 2018 Financial reports which include the following reports:
· Balance Sheet
· YTD Income Statement Comparison
· Income Statement Previous Year Comparison
· Income Statement YTD Budget vs. Actual
· Income Statement MTD Budget Performance
These reports were provided prior to the meeting. The Financial Reports reflect the budget-to-actual comparisons for the General Fund and were approved as provided by motion of K. Theriot and seconded by C. Wilson and passed unanimously.
VI. Executive Director’s Salary
There was a motion to table until the August meeting which was made by D. Norred and seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.
VII. Surplus Items
K. Theriot suggested that we change the Minimum Bid Amount to the Value and reduce the Minimum Bid drastically. This will be brought up again at the August meeting by motion from K. Theriot and seconded by J. Falgout and passed unanimously.
VIII. 2018 Amended Budget
S. Corbitt presented the amended budget. The 2018 Amended Budget was accepted as presented by motion of C. Blanchard and seconded by J. Falgout and passed unanimously.
IX. Product Development: Finding Our Roots Museum
This was deferred until the August meeting by motion of D. Norred and seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.
X. Reschedule August Board Meeting: August 30, 2018
S. Corbitt suggested that the August meeting be changed from Thursday, August 23rd to Thursday, August 30th due to the fact that all of the HACVB Staff will be at the Lt. Governor’s Summit. The board members agreed that S. Corbitt just inform them of the date, time and place for the August meeting.
XI. Executive Director’s Monthly Report
S. Corbitt presented her report which touched on the Occupancy Rate; Geocoin Fest 2019; Records Retention Program; Civic Center meeting; Barbara Cenac meeting; STS Marketing College; Manning Passing Academy; and 2019 Strategic Planning and Budgeting.
Also, S. Corbitt and K. Theriot mentioned that K. Theriot will be the spokesperson at the Leadership Terrebonne Meeting on August 22nd in which they will be holding a mini geocaching event and will encourage the members to go to the Visitor’s Center and browse the Exhibits and sign in the digital guestbook.
S. Corbitt’s report contains her upcoming schedule for the rest of July and August.
XII. Adjournment
It was motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:12 am by D. Norred and seconded by J. Falgout and the motion carried.