January 2018 Meeting Minutes
Houma Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
Meeting Minutes
January 2018
Board Members in attendance:
Mary Lynn Bisland – Chairperson
Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Vice Chair
Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer
Andree Buquet-Casey
Mark Pitre
Cheri Blanchard
Charles Wilson, Sr.
Kim Chauvin arrived at 8:55 am
Staff Members in attendance: Sondra Corbitt – Executive Director
Bobbie Smith – Accounting Office
Manager I. Call to order M. Bisland called to order the regular meeting of the HACVB at 8:30 am on February 1, 2018 at HACVB Administration building.
II. Roll call Quorum was present.
III. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: M. Bisland led the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Public to be Heard M. Bisland asked if there was anyone to be heard and there was no response.
M. Bisland welcomed B. Smith to her new position as Accounting Office Manager. M. Bisland said the K. Chauvin is on her way and will introduce her when she arrives.
V. Welcome New Board of Director’s – Kim Chauvin M. Bisland said the K. Chauvin is on her way and will introduce her when she arrives.
VI. Approval of Minutes and Financial Reports Secretary NameThe minutes were approved as provided by motion by M. Pitre and seconded by D. Norred and passed unanimously. Financial reports were provided prior to the meeting. The Financial Reports were approved as provided by motion of A. Buquet-Casey and seconded by M. Pitre and passed unanimously.
VII. CPA Audit Engagement Approval CPA Audit Engagement letter was provided prior to the meeting. The CPA Audit Engagement was approved as provided by motion of D. Norred and seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.
VIII. Audit Compliance Questionnaire Approval Audit Compliance Questionnaire was provided prior to the meeting. The Audit Compliance Questionnaire was approved as provided by motion of A. Buquet-Casey and seconded by M. Pitre and passed unanimously.
IX. Grant/Contractual Obligation Resolution Approval Grant/Contractual Obligation Resolution was provided in the packet but its to give the Executive Director S. Corbitt the ability to sign on minor contract such as advertisements with other signatures by Board Members M. Bisland and D. Norred. The Grant/Contractual Obligation Resolution was approved as provided by motion of D. Norred and seconded by M. Pitre and passed unanimously.
X. 2018 Authorized Bank Signature Approval 2018 Authorized Bank Signature Approval need for South Louisiana Bank and Synergy Bank to remove S. Alford and add S. Corbitt. We also need a second signature which will be M. Bisland, D. Norred and K. Theriot. Synergy is also in the process of adding B. Smith to online banking so that she can have access to transfer payrolls. The paperwork is not here yet, but it is on its way and S. Corbitt will get with M. Bisland once she has the paperwork to sign. 2018 Authorized Bank Signature Approval was approved as discussed by motion of M. Pitre and seconded by C. Blanchard and passed unanimously.
XI. Executive Session: Executive Director Sondra Corbitt’s Salary Approval M. Bisland suggested to have the Executive Session be moved to the very end. It was motioned by D. Norred seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.
XII. 2017 Final Amended Budget Approval S. Corbitt explained that we need to set our budget for auditing process from what we projected from the last audit to the 2017 Final Amended Budget. Our Revenue increased by 8% and Expenses decreased by 2% this year. 2017 Final Amended Budget Approval was approved as discussed by motion of C. Blanchard and seconded by C. Wilson, Sr and passed unanimously.
XIII. Sponsorship Application A) Miss Gay of US of A 2018 S. Corbitt presented an overview of the application. Miss Gay of USofA 2018 Sponsorship Application was discussed and a motion to approve the recommended amount of $750.00 was made by M. Pitre and seconded by C. Wilson, Sr and passed unanimously.
XIV. Executive Director’s Monthly Report Executive Director’s Monthly Report: S. Corbitt presented her report which touched on Occupancy Rate, the LTPA Annual Membership Meeting where HACVB was named the Visitor’s Bureau of the Year, the LACVB Meeting, the Chamber’s Annual Banquet, Leadership Terrebonne, Geocaching Community Efforts. S. Corbitt is in the process of Reviewing Contracts and having weekly Staff Meetings. She also suggested that the Board think about adding a non-compete clause for employees to the hiring policy. K. Chauvin arrived and was welcomed to the Board by M. Bisland.
XV. Executive Session: Executive Director Sondra Corbitt’s Salary Approval M. Bisland suggested to move into Executive Session at 9:05 am. It was motioned by C. Blanchard seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously. M. Bisland suggested to exit Executive Session at 9:20 am. It was motioned by D. Norred seconded by M. Pitre and passed unanimously. S. Corbitt’s salary was approved and increased during Executive Session. M. Pitre left at 9:21 am.
XVI. New Business
A) Salary – S. Corbitt brought up 2018 Salary Budget, which is a 3% increase. This will go into effect for February’s first payroll. S. Corbitt will work on a Salary Scale Study and provide it to the Board at the March meeting.
B) Evaluations – evaluations should be conducted by September annually. S. Corbitt will work on an evaluation form.
C) Record’s Retention – S. Corbitt stated that we are awaiting class schedules.
D) Job Descriptions – S. Corbitt to work on for each Staff position with help from each employee.
E) Strategic Plan – S. Corbitt to meet with Staff to work on and submit it to the Board at the March meeting. The board would like a report with everyone’s pay, last increase amount and date, and years with the Bureau.
F) Assistant Director – Promote someone from within the Bureau. S. Corbitt to bring this to the February meeting.
XVII. Adjournment It was motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 am by K. Theriot and seconded by C. Wilson, Sr.