HACVB March 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

March 22, 2018

Houma Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
Meeting Minutes
March 2018

Board Members in attendance:
Mary Lynn Bisland – Chairperson
Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Vice Chair
Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer
Mark Pitre
Kim Chauvin
Andree Buquet-Casey arrived at 8:34 am
Julie Falgout arrived at 8:45 am

Staff Members in attendance:
Sondra Corbitt – Executive Director
Bobbie Smith – Accounting/Office Manager

I. Call to order
M. Bisland called to order the regular meeting of the HACVB at 8:30 am on March 22, 2018 at HACVB Administration building in the Board Room.
II. Roll call
Quorum was present.

III. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:
K. Theriot led the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Approval of Minutes and Financial Reports
The minutes were approved as provided with the exception on one change that the Executive Director’s Salary increase was approved in Executive Session by motion by A. Bouquet-Casey and seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.
a) December 2017
1) Financial reports were provided prior to the meeting.  The Financial Reports were approved as provided by motion of M. Pitre and seconded by D. Norred and passed unanimously.
b) January 2018
1) Financial reports were provided prior to the meeting.  The Financial Reports were approved as provided by motion of M. Pitre and seconded by D. Norred and passed unanimously.
V. Policy Approvals
a) Reserve Fund Discussion – will remain at 6 months and will look at the end of each Fiscal year to see what is left in the budget.
b) Records Retention Policy – approved as provided by motion A. Bouquet-Casey and seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.
c) Disposition of Surplus Item Policy – approved as provided – apart from having to move the second paragraph under Removal to the be the first paragraph under Payment – by motion of A. Bouquet-Casey and seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.
VI. Security Benefits
It is the recommendation of Retirement Plan Advisors and Sondra to approve the resolution from the Board to authorize the Executive Director to execute the necessary documents to change recordkeeper from Security Benefits to The Standard for its 457(b) Plan.
This recommendation was approved by a motion of A. Bouquet-Casey and seconded by D. Norred and passed unanimously.
VII. Strategic Plan 2018
This was accepted as presented and approved by a motion of J. Falgout and seconded by M. Pitre and passed unanimously.
VIII. Job Descriptions
This was accepted as presented and approved by a motion of M. Pitre and seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.
IX. Salary Classifications
The Salary Classification Table was accepted as presented and approved by a motion of K. Chauvin and seconded by D. Norred and passed unanimously.
Sondra’s suggested to move Joey Pierce to Assistant Director and Joni Duet to Product/Special Event Development Manager as well as hiring two part-time employees to work rotating schedules along with our current part-time employee.
This was accepted as presented and approved by a motion of A. Bouquet-Casey and seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.
K. Chauvin left at 9:20 am.
X. LAMP Signature Card
M. Bisland will update the signature card.
XI. Sponsorship Application
a) America’s Redfish Cup
The recommendation for the Sponsorship was accepted as presented and approved by a motion of K. Theriot and seconded by D. Norred and passed with six in favor and one opposition.

b) American Legion 3rd District Conference
The recommendation for the Sponsorship was accepted as presented and approved by a motion of J. Falgout and seconded by A. Bouquet-Casey and passed unanimously.

XII. Civic Club Participation
a) Sondra Corbitt

M. Bisland proposed that Sondra join a Civic Club and that the membership fees be paid by the CVB.  There are 4 rotary clubs, Kiwanis, Elks, etc.  It will be at Sondra’s discretion to select the Civic Club.

This was accepted as presented and approved by a motion of M. Pitre and seconded by J. Falgout and passed unanimously.

XIII. Executive Director’s Monthly Report
Executive Director’s Monthly Report:  S. Corbitt presented her report which touched on Occupancy Rate, Legislative Bill Review meeting in Baton Rouge, LTCC Meeting in Lake Charles where she was elected to be Secretary/Treasurer, H-T Education Meeting was about Safe school programs, COE Program and Jump Start; HDDC Christmas Committee which covered fundraising, movie night and Christmas Event;  HACVB will see about sponsoring a float for Christmas.
S. Corbitt went over HACVB highlights and her upcoming schedule for the rest of March and April.
XIV. Adjournment
It was motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 am by A. Bouquet-Casey and seconded by K. Theriot.