HACVB Board August 2018 Meeting Minutes

Houma Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau

Rescheduled Meeting Minutes

August 2018

Board Members in attendance:                   

Mary Lynn Bisland – Chairperson

Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Vice Chair

Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer

Cheri Blanchard

Andree Buquet-Casey

Kim Chauvin arrived at 8:56 am

Julie Falgout

Mark Pitre

Charles Wilson, Sr.


Staff Members in attendance:                       Absent Staff Members

Sondra Corbitt – Executive Director                Bobbie Smith – Financial Office Manager

Joey Pierce – Assistant Director


Community Members in attendance:


Coach Hamner, THS Volleyball, exited at 9:02 am

Mr. Alvin Tillman, Finding Our Roots Museum, exited at 9:09 am

Ms. Margie Scoby, Finding Our Roots Museum, arrived at 9:13 am and exited at 9:14 am.


I.     Call to order

M. Bisland called to order the rescheduled meeting of the HACVB at 8:30 am on Thursday, August 30, 2018 at HACVB Administration building in the Board Room.

II.     Roll call

Quorum was present.


III.     Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:

J. Falgout led the Invocation and M. Bisland led the Pledge of Allegiance.

IV.     Public to be Heard

No one from the public present to be heard.

V.     Approval of Minutes and Financial Reports

The July 2018 minutes were approved as presented. A motion was made by D. Norred and seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.

June 2018 Financial reports which include the following reports:

·       Balance Sheet

·       YTD Income Statement Comparison

·       Income Statement Previous Year Comparison

·       Income Statement YTD Budget vs. Actual

·       Income Statement MTD Budget Performance


These reports were provided prior to the meeting.  The Financial Reports reflect the budget-to-actual comparisons for the General Fund and were approved as provided by motion of M. Pitre and seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.

VI.     Revised Surplus Items Policy

S. Corbitt suggested that we change sell the items on third party sites instead of Central Auction House as advised.  If all items are below the $5,000 threshold, it can be sold on owned sites or third-party sites such as eBay.  This was approved as discussed by motion of A. Casey and seconded by C. Blanchard and passed unanimously.

VII.     Surplus Items Resolution Adoption

S. Corbitt presented the resolution K. Theriot suggested that if 25% of the suggested value is acceptable as a bid, then it can be accepted.  M. Bisland suggested to lower the prices by 15-25%.  A. Casey motioned to accept the 15% change and seconded by C. Blanchard and passed unanimously.

C. Blanchard motioned to change the Agenda to allow Coach Hamner of Terrebonne High Volleyball to speak now and it was seconded by K. Theriot and passed unanimously.

VIII.     Sponsorship:  TPCG – Terrebonne High School Volleyball Team – Lady Tiger Classic

Coach Hamner stated that he is working to bring State Volleyball, Cheerleading and Gymnastics Tournaments to Terrebonne Parish.

Currently for the Volleyball Lady Tiger Classic, there are 16 teams registered in which he estimates will fill 10 rooms per team coming in from out of town.

The matching funds will be deposited in the High School Account for registration fees and at the gate.

K. Theriot moved to fund at the recommended level and it was seconded by J. Falgout and passed unanimously.

A grant agreement will be sent to Coach Hamner.

Coach Hamner exited at 9:02 am.

IX.     Tourism Development:  Finding Our Roots Museum

Mr. Alvin Tillman stated that this grant would assist in advertising as well as equipment to enhance the experience.

He stated that Dwight Theriot and Dwight Harris have made their services in advertising a grant.

By a motion of C. Blanchard and seconded by M. Pitre the grant was awarded and passed unanimously.

Mr. Alvin Tillman exited at 9:09 am.

X.     Sunday Workday Discussion Proposal

S. Corbitt spoke about the possibility of closing on Sundays to save the Bureau some expenses.

M. Pitre motioned to close on Sundays and it was seconded by M. Bisland and after a discussion to add a kiosk with some information and to have a sign to direct any prospective visitor to the website then it passed unanimously.

Ms. Margie Scoby, Finding Our Roots Museum, arrived at 9:13 am and exited at 9:14 am.

M. Pitre motioned to review Terrebonne High grant and seconded by A. Casey.

A. Casey, M. Bisland and M. Pitre discussed the need to revamp the economic impact calculator and the amount awarded.

M. Pitre moved to offer $1,500.00 and it was seconded by A. Casey and the motion passed unanimously.

M. Pitre was to begin receiving his packet by email only.

XI.     Civic Organizations Participation

Because public funds are used, it can not be used for dues in Civic Organizations.  M. Bisland proposed a $1,500 increase to cover Rotary.  D. Norred motioned to accept and seconded by A. Casey and passed unanimously.

XII.     Executive Director’s Monthly Report

S. Corbitt presented her report which touched on the Occupancy Rate; CDME Training, Destination International Conference, STS Congressional Summit, The Standard, Leadership Terrebonne.

There was a discussion concerning the Congressional Summit to change by adding local visits instead or attend the summit every other year.

S. Corbitt’s report contains her upcoming schedule for the rest of August and September.

XIII.     Adjournment

It was motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:41 am by D. Norred and seconded by K. Theriot and the motion carried.