February Meeting Minutes 2023
Houma Area Convention & Visitors Bureau
Regular Schedule Meeting Minutes
February 23, 2023
I. Board and Staff Member Attendance
Present: Staff:
Julie Falgout – Chair Sondra Corbitt
Joshua Ellender – Vice Chair Lindsey Loupe
William Bisland – Treasurer/Secretary
Traci S. Hawthorne
Cheri Blanchard Board Absent:
Judy Smart Gary Williams Sr.
Margie Scoby
Yvonne Breaux-Jones
II. Meeting call to order: J. Ellender called the meeting to order at 8:37 a.m.
III. Roll Call: Quorum was present.
IV. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: W. Bisland led the board in the Invocation. J. Ellender led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance. J. Falgout entered the meeting at 8:38 a.m.
V. Public to be heard: no one was present.
VI. 2023 Board of Directors Installation: S. Corbitt inducted the 2023 Board Members. All in agreement.
VII. Approval of January’s Minutes: W. Bisland presented the January 2023 minutes. W. Bisland moved to approve January’s Minutes. Seconded by: J. Ellender. Motion passed. M. Scoby entered the meeting at 8:45 a.m.
VIII. Approval of 2022 Amended Budget: W. Bisland presented the amended budget for 2022. W. Bisland moved to approve the 2022 Amended Budget as presented. Seconded by: J. Ellender. Motion passed.
IX. Product Development Application Ladybug Ball: S. Corbitt provided an overview. W. Bisland moved to approve the product development sponsorship for $5000.00. Seconded by: J. Smart. Motion passed.
X. Sponsorship Application Pirates N Boots Festival: S. Corbitt provided an overview including Datafy numbers from previous year. W. Bisland moved to approve the Pirates N Boots Festival for $5,000.00 pending completion of page 7 in application. Seconded by: C. Blanchard. Motion passed.
XI. Executive Director’s Report: S. Corbitt provided the monthly report. Discussion: Occupancy rates, hotel updates, Ramda Inn and Plantation Inn updates, Keep Louisiana Beautiful Grant, Welcome Sign update, White Boot Stroll, LOT’s Bandwagon Program, Datafy January’s Report, French Lessons, LTA’s update, Houma Restoration Board update, staff updates.
XII. Board Announcements: Elk Club/Mardi Gras, Military Museum Foundation, and Southdown Plantation Marketplace.
XIII. Adjournment: J. Ellender moved to adjourn. Seconded by Y. Breaux Jones. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.