August 2020 Meeting Minutes

Houma Area Convention & Visitor’s Bureau
Regular Schedule Meeting Minutes via Zoom
September 4, 2020

I. Board and Staff Member Attendance

Andree Casey-Chair
Cheri Blanchard-Secretary/Treasurer
Brenda Babin-Vicechair
Joshua Ellender
Katherine Gilbert
Julie Falgout
Judy Smart

Staff Present:
Lindsey Fruge’

Board Absent:
Charles Wilson Sr.
Mary Lynn Bisland

II. Meeting call to order:   A. Casey called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m.
III. Roll Call:  Quorum was present.
IV. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:  J. Smart led the board in the Invocation.  A. Casey led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance.
V. Zoom Meeting Resolution Approval: K. Theriot made motion to approve the resolution. Seconded by: J. Ellender. Motion approved. Discussion followed: Board requirements for holding board meetings via zoom, it was explained it was a state requirement.
VI. Public to be heard. No one was present.
VII. Approval of Minutes:  C. Blanchard made a motion to approve July’s minutes.  Seconded by: J. Smart.  Motion approved.
VIII. Approval of Financial Reports May 2020: K. Theriot made motion to approve the Financial Reports. Seconded by: J. Falgout. Motion approved.
IX. Approval of Financial Reports June 2020: J. Ellender made motion to approve the Financial Reports. Seconded by: B. Babin. Motion approved. Discussion followed: Explained questions on income statement in financial reports. Hotel discounts provided to contracts through companies around Terrebonne Parish for COVID aid.
X. 2020 Surplus Items and Resolution Approval: J. Ellender made motion to approve. Seconded by: B. Babin. Motion approved. Discussion followed: Detailing surplus items and the reason for the HACVB to sell items. Will provide links for items through all social media outlets to help sell the provided items for sale.
XI. Executive Director’s Report:  L. Fruge presented the monthly report. Discussion followed: Brand guidelines book and new logos, Budget Planning, Product Development, Occupancy Update for Hotel Contracts, and Social Media Policy update for the upcoming meeting. Also discussed relief efforts for Hurricane Laura victims and what Terrebonne Parish is doing to help.
XII. J. Ellender made a motion to end the meeting at 9:01 a.m.  Seconded by:  B. Babin.   Motion approved.