August 2017 Board of Director’s Meeting
Houma Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
Monthly Board of Director’s Meeting
August 17, 2017
Members Present: Staff Members Present:
Mary Lynn Bisland – Chairperson Sharon Alford – Executive Director
Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Vicechair Sondra Corbitt – Deputy Director
Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer
Mary Wayne
Mark Pitre
Cheri Blanchard
Anne Picou
Charles Wilson Sr.
Andree Buquet Casey
I. Call to Order: M. Bisland called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.
II. Roll Call: Quorum was present.
III. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: K. Theriot led the board in the invocation and M. Bisland led the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Approval of Minutes/Financial: A. Picou made a motion to approve the financial report and minutes. Seconded by: K. Theriot. Motion carried. L. Shaffer entered meeting at 8:32 a.m. C. Blanchard entered the meeting at 8:35 a.m.
V. Sponsorship Application-
A) American Legion Post 31 Conference: L. Shaffer addressed the board regarding the application and conference. S. Corbitt provided an overview of the application. D. Norred/A. Casey made a motion to approve the application for the recommended amount of $ 1,000.00. Seconded by: K. Gilbert. Abstained: M. Wayne. Motion carried. Discussion followed on: sponsorship allocation funding and re-evaluation. A. Picou made a motion to re-evaluate the sponsorship application process and funding allocation. Seconded by: D. Norred. Motion carried. L. Shaffer left the meeting at 8:38 a.m.
B) Rotary International Conference: K. Theriot made a motion to table this application until the sponsorship re-evaluation is completed. Seconded by: A. Casey. Motion carried. Discussion followed on: occupancy rate, 2018 budget, and marketing efforts.
VI. Executive Director’s Report: S. Alford provided her monthly report. Discussion followed on: Building maintenance update – lighting/electrical issues, new center’s final completion, needed budget amendments, and Vanir awarded the Construction Manager’s Association of America. New Products: Kim Chauvin’s Shrimp Factory, Pelagic Dive Charters, R.J. and Jay Paul’s Air Boat rides, and Guidry Rock. Schriever Railway Station meeting w/ Pat Gordon, Occupancy Rate, Cache de Bayou event update, Legislative Auditor’s 2017 requirements and Lt. Governor’s Listening Tour. S. Alford announced her retirement plans.
VII. Adjournment: A. Picou made a motion to end the meeting at 9:23 a.m. Seconded by: M. Wayne. Motion carried.