September 2017 Board Meeting Minutes
Houma Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
Monthly Board of Director’s Meeting
September 28, 2017
Members Present: Staff Members Present:
Mary Lynn Bisland – Chairperson Sharon Alford – Executive Director
Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Vicechair Sondra Corbitt – Deputy Director
Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer
Mary Wayne
Mark Pitre
Cheri Blanchard
Anne Picou
Charles Wilson Sr.
Andree Buquet Casey
I. Call to Order: M. Bisland called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m.
II. Roll Call: Quorum was present.
III. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: M. Bisland led the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. K. Theriot made a motion to deviate from the meeting’s agenda to allow the Chamber Recreation Task Force to address the board. Seconded by: D. Norred. Motion carried.
V. S. Carlos addressed the board regarding the Recreation Task Force’s mission and goals. Discussion followed on: Chamber’s position regarding the Recreation District, Bayou Sports Park funding and completion, HTCC Executive Summary overview, Recreation Advisory Committee Board, Hotel/Motel Tax funding and reporting, CEA agreement between TPCG and HACVB, Sponsorships, Sports/Tournament bidding requirements, East Side park development, Competitive analysis of Sulphur’s Sportsplex, Bourg’s Sportsplex, HACVB’s support, and petition signing. M. Wayne entered meeting at 9:09 a.m. S. Carlos left the meeting at 9:32 a.m. M. Bisland request to a motion to forward a letter to TPCG’s Council supporting the HTCC’s mission. M. Pitre made a motion to forward the letter to the council. Seconded by: D. Norred. Motion carried. K. Theriot made a motion to request enforcement of the CEA agreement between TPCG and HACVB regarding the Sportsplex expenditure reporting. Seconded by: D. Norred. Motion carried. S. Alford will draft/forward a letter to TPCG. K. Theriot made a motion to return to the original meeting agenda. Seconded by: A. Picou. Motion carried.
VI. A. Picou made a motion to approve the minutes. Seconded by: M. Pitre. Motion carried. A. Picou made a motion to approve the financial report. Seconded by: A. Casey. Motion carried.
VII. Sponsorship Application: Southland Drag way and Reunion Car Show – S. Alford provided an overview of the event/application. D. Norred made a motion to approve the application for the recommended amount of $ 3,000.00. Seconded by: M. Pitre. Motion carried.
VIII. Accounting Policies Presentation: S. Alford provided an overview of the Accounting/Financial Policies and Procedures. Discussion followed on: Public bid laws and audit procedures. The final draft will be presented at October’s meeting.
IX. Amended 2017 Budget: S. Alford provided an overview of the proposed budget amendments. C. Blanchard made a motion to approve the amended budget. Seconded by: D. Norred. Motion carried. Discussion followed on: website updating, audit requirements, budget amendment procedures, and necessary approvals.
X. Retirement Community Discussion: S. Alford provided an overview of the Retirement Community application and purpose/goals. Discussion followed on: community assessment, research, prior application, marketing efforts, working w/Council on Aging, and meeting w/K. Theriot update.
XI. Executive Director’s Report: S. Alford provided her monthly report. Discussion followed on: Vanir’s Building Award for the new center, Congres Mondial Acadienne meeting scheduled for October 12th, Tree Board profile sheet, Legislative Committee on Statutory Dedicated Funds, Occupancy Report, S. Alford’s Athena Award nomination, outside security camera installation and Cache de Bayou Geocaching event.
XII. Adjournment: M. Pitre made a motion to end the meeting. Seconded by: M. Wayne. Motion carried. Meeting ended at 10:25 a.m.