November’s Board of Director’s meeting
Houma Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
Monthly Board of Director’s Meeting
November 2017
Members Present: Staff Members Present:
Mary Lynn Bisland – Chairperson Sharon Alford – Executive Director
Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Vicechair Sondra Corbitt – Deputy Director
Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer
Mary Wayne Members Absent:
Anne Picou Mark Pitre
Charles Wilson Sr. Cheri Blanchard
Andree Buquet Casey
I. Call to Order: M. Bisland called the meeting to order at 8:38 a.m.
II. Roll Call: Quorum was present.
III. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: K. Theriot led the Invocation and M. Bisland led the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. S. Corbitt provided an overview of the financial report. D. Norred made a motion to approve the financial report and minutes. Seconded by: A. Picou. Motion carried.
V. Approval of 2018 Budget: S. Alford explained the public budget hearing procedure. K. Theriot made a motion to enter a public hearing. Seconded by: A. Picou. Motion carried. Public to be heard – 1st call, 2nd call, and 3rd call. No public to be heard. K. Theriot made a motion to exit the public hearing. Seconded by: A. Picou. Motion carried. D. Norred made a motion to approve the 2018 budget. Seconded by: A. Picou. Motion carried.
VI. Sponsorship Awarding Process Proposal: S. Corbitt provided an overview of the proposed sponsorship awarding process. Discussion followed: Proposed options. A. Casey made a motion to approve option 1 on the sponsorship awarding process. Seconded by: A. Picou. Motion carried.
VII. Rotary District 6200 International Conference Sponsorship Application: S. Corbitt provided an overview of the application. A. Picou made a motion to approve the application for the recommended amount of $ 750.00. Seconded by: K. Theriot. Abstained: A. Casey and D. Norred. Motion carried.
VIII. Festival Sponsorship Application: Discussion followed on: STR report, festival attendance, actual hotel bookings, historical reporting, downtown merchants, and economic development. D. Norred made a motion to defer all festival sponsorship application until December’s meeting. And requested additional information from the applicants to provide actual rooms booked and compare to the STR reporting. Seconded by: A. Casey. Motion carried.
IX. Other items: Board of Director’s officer’s election scheduled for December. Executive Committee will review application for the Executive Director’s position on December 7th at TARC.
X. Executive Director’s Report: S. Alford provided her monthly report. Discussion followed on: Retirement Community Application, Legislative Committee on Statutory Dedicated Funds update, Occupancy Report, Website update and Records Retention Policy. Discussion followed on: S. Alford retirement scheduled for Jan. 2018.
XI. Adjournment: A. Picou made a motion to end the meeting. Seconded by: M. Wayne. Motion carried. Meeting ended at 9:26 a.m.