April 2018 BOD Meeting Minutes
Houma Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau
Meeting Minutes
April 2018
Board Members in attendance: Board Members absent:
Mary Lynn Bisland – Chairperson Charles Wilson, Sr.
Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Vice Chair Kim Chauvin
Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer Andree Buquet-Casey
Mark Pitre
Cheri Blanchard
Julie Falgout
Staff Members in attendance:
Sondra Corbitt – Executive Director
Bobbie Smith – Financial Office Manager
I. Call to order
M. Bisland called to order the regular meeting of the HACVB at 8:38 am on April 26, 2018 at HACVB Administration building in the Board Room.
II. Roll call
Quorum was present.
III. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:
C. Blanchard led the Invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance.
IV. Public to be Heard
No one from the public attended.
V. Approval of Minutes and Financial Reports
The February 2018 minutes were approved as provided with the exception on one change that the M. Bisland called the meeting to order motion by K. Theriot and seconded by M. Pitre and passed unanimously.
February 2018 Financial reports were provided prior to the meeting. The Financial Reports were approved as provided by motion of D. Norred and seconded by M. Pitre and passed unanimously.
VI. Sponsorship Application
a) Lady’s CoCo Classic
S. Corbitt stated that our ROI will be around $3,000.00 but the fishing rodeo is recommended to be sponsored at $4,000.00. S. Corbitt explained that the HACVB’s return on income is based on what is earned through Hotel/Motel tax dollars and that of the 5% Hotel-Motel Sales Tax allotted to the HACVB that only 3% stays, 1% goes to TPCG and the other 1% goes to the Houma Terrebonne Civic Center. Of the 5% that the State collects, the HACVB only receives a partial percentage.
The recommendation for the Sponsorship was accepted as presented and approved by a motion of J. Falgout and seconded by C. Blanchard and passed unanimously.
S. Corbitt suggested that a committee be formed to look at the Grants Application. M. Bisland asked that this be added to one of our future Board meeting agendas to review the grant application.
VII. Ethics Training
S. Corbitt asked that everyone on the board try to complete their Ethics Training as soon as possible and that they get a copy of the certificate to B. Smith.
VIII. Lieutenant Governor’s Luncheon
S. Corbitt asked that as many of the Board Members that can attend to please do so by RSVP with Joey Pierce.
IX. Executive Director’s Monthly Report
S. Corbitt presented her report which touched on Occupancy Rate, Selfie Tour, Part-Time Employees, Legislative Bill Review / LTA-LACVB meeting in Baton Rouge, Tourism Day at the Capitol, Fred Pryor Seminar, Spring Showcase, HDDC Christmas Committee, Webinar, the Geo-Coin-Fest Bidding Update, Tree Board brochure, LOT CMP Grant Review Committee, Leadership Terrebonne, Leaders Against Litter, Rotary, Chamber Meeting, and the LTA Lunch-n-learn.
S. Corbitt’s report contains her upcoming schedule for the rest of April and May.
X. Adjournment
It was motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:06 am by M. Pitre and seconded by D. Norred.