August 2019 Meeting Minutes

Houma Area Convention & Visitor’s Bureau
Regular Schedule Meeting Minutes
August 22, 2019

I. Board and Staff Member Attendance
Present      Staff Present
Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Chairperson   Sondra Corbitt – Executive Director
Andree Buquet Casey – Vicechair
Dale Norred – Secretary/Treasurer
Cheri Blanchard     Absent
Mary Lynn Bisland     Charles Wilson Sr.
Judy Smart
Brenda Babin
Julie Falgout

II. Meeting Call to Order:  K. Theriot called the meeting to order at 8:37 a.m.
III. Roll Call:  Quorum was present.
IV. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:  K. Theriot led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance and C. Blanchard let the board in the invocation.
V. Public to Be Heard: No one was present.
VI. Approval of June and July’s Minutes:  D. Norred made the motion to approve the minutes.  Seconded by:  A. Casey.  Motion approved. Discussion followed on:  minute signatures J. Falgout arrived at 8:40 a.m.
VII. Sponsorship Application:
A)  Louisiana’s Fire Chief’s Conference:  S. Corbitt provided an overview of the application for the recommended amount of $ 5,000.00.  B. Babin made a motion to approve the application for the recommended amount of $ 5,000.00.  Seconded by:  M. Bisland.  Motion approved.  Discussion followed on:  economic impact and similar conferences.
B)  Downtown Demonstration Day:  S. Corbitt provided an overview of the application for the recommended amount of $ 5,000.00.  M. Bisland made a motion to approve the application for the recommended amount of $ 5,000.00.  Seconded by: B. Babin.  Abstained:  D. Norred      Discussion followed on:  marketing vs. product development grant, project’s goals, and funding.
C)  Rotary Cast Iron Cook-Off:  S. Corbitt provided an overview of the application for the recommended amount of $ 3,000.00.   Seconded by:  C. Blanchard.  Abstained:  D. Norred and M. Bisland.  Motion Approved.  Discussion followed on:  marketing vs. product development grant, increase outside marketing efforts, implement a process to track out of town guest and hotel bookings to be included on the final report.
VIII. Surplus Resolution Approval:  S. Corbitt provided Resolution 1 and 2 declaring the 2011 White Explorer and the 2011 Silver Ford Explorer as surplus items.  M. Bisland made a motion to approve Resolution 1 and 2 declaring the vehicles as surplus and authorized S. Corbitt to sell the items.  Seconded by:  B. Babin.  Discussion followed on:  vehicle’s condition, state contract, and replacement vehicles.
IX. Bank Signature Resolution Approval:   S. Corbitt provided Resolution 3 and 4 to close the existing checking accounts and reopen new accounts with Synergy Bank and South Louisiana Bank.   A. Casey made the motion to approve Resolution 3 and 4.  Seconded by:  B. Babin.  Motion approved.
X. Executive Director’s Report:   S. Corbitt provided her monthly report.  Discussion followed on:   Financial reports, Accounting/Office Manager’s position, Lt. Governor’s Summit, Leadership Terrebonne, Peyton Manning’s Training Camp, WWLTV Geocaching Interview, History Channel Show, Destination International Conference, BTNEP Chimney Swift Project, Destination Downtown Conference, and GeoCoinfest.
XI. J. Smart made a motion to end the meeting.  Seconded by:  J. Falgout.  Motion approved.  Meeting ended at 9:08 a.m.



________________________________    ______________________________
Sondra Corbitt – Executive Director    Katherine Gilbert Theriot – Chairperson